Our holiday was very busy. I continued to enjoy my grandchildren, Drew...
and Maggie.
Mom enjoyed her Great Grandson Drew,
and her Great Granddaughter Peyton (my brother Chris' granddaughter) as she helped to entertain Billy and Maggie.
I had to include this picture of Drew in with his cute little hat :).
I went for a ride in the hills with my brother Chris and enjoyed the beauty of the river.
Thanksgiving always runs through Elk season,
and sure enough, Bill got a bull on Thanksgiving Day. Kate loves going with him as he hunts with my brothers, Terry and Chris.
Before leaving the coast we had to visit the infamous Tillamook Cheese Factory.
We also stopped to visit Bill's brother Jim.
Bill and I made a trip back to Mom's a couple of days later to help cut up the elk (this is my brother, Terry)...
tenderize the steaks (this is my mom using an ancient machine that still does wonders)...
and sort them into portions for everyone (this is my sister-in-law, Diane). Next, we wrapped the steaks for the freezer.
We caught Chris just coming back in from a fishing trip.
He had a beautiful catch!
We were surprised when he offered us the whole fish, which we took home and grilled with Teriyaki sauce. This should make your mouth water!