My neighbors kept telling me about this Lazuli Bunting they could see just outside their door. Finally, I had to make a visit to see if I might get a look at it. It is certainly a beautiful bird!
Bill and I have made it a tradition to stay at Yachats Inn on our anniversary. In spite of the rain and cold, we always have a wonderful time!
Bill made us lots of hot drinks...
Driving south of Yachats...
The bridge at Cook's Chasm...
Bill with his nifty rain hat...
Can't resist pictures of those gulls and their knobby knees!
The rain's coming!!
It doesn't get much prettier than this.
Stopping at waysides and campgrounds, we saw these charming mail boxes... Rain, rain, rain...however, it seemed to clear every time we wanted to get out of the car :)
A beautiful pond at one of the campgrounds...
Rain sparkling on the water...
Gorgeous reflections...
A picturesque little stream...
The dunes are beautiful...and well used!
Green pussy willows
Beautiful little fluffy things...
Couldn't resist this picture...
Winchester Bay
The Coast Guard was passing through...
Bridge at North Bend
Viewing the bridge through a rain-splattered window...
Crossing over...
There is a wonderful little glass-blowing shop in Bandon. We stop here every time.
Perfume bottle...
As we headed down to the beach, we had to wait our turn...
Bandon Light House
Can you find the eagle?
A beauty of their own...
Bill took this stunning picture!
Gorgeous clouds...
A closer view of the rocks...
We returned to Yachats and then headed north the next day. These are views of Seal Rock.
I was born and raised in Oregon but I married an Englishman. My husband, Bill, and I raised 6 children. I love nature, photography, calligraphy, quilting, many forms of art and a variety of music, but most of all I love to spend time with my children and grandchildlren. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and plan to pursue a lifelong love of learning.