This is a picture of my mom's sister Ruth (aka Sandy) who recently passed away. Mom, my cousin Debbie Fauver and I drove to Shelton, WA to attend a family gathering at Steve and Myra Hills' home. We enjoyed looking at several picture albums depicting many special events in Ruth's life. We enjoyed meeting some of her good friends, and we also enjoyed becoming reacquainted with family. It was good to make this trip, and it was very enjoyable to travel with my mom and Debbie.

This was the spectacular view from Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain as we drove north.
We stopped in the small town of Ilwaco to stretch our legs and take a little break.

The boat basin was very picturesque.
Somehow a gull always gets into one of my pictures :-).

Mom and Debbie
We were privileged to see a couple of eagles in a field just before arriving at Steve and Myra's!

The fog had settled low in Steve's pasture.
The sky was gorgeous. Although difficult to see, the sky was FULL of birds (probably starlings!).

Myra and Steve posed with two of their
best friends.
Jamie's family: Bill, Steven, Mariah, Jamie

Some of Tricia's family: Sean, Patrick, Tricia
Stephanie and Clarence

Jo's family: Jo and his girlfriend Terry, Jim and his wife Tiffany and son Brycen, Carl and his girlfriend Teresa
While driving home we enjoyed several grand sights. This one was taken from Ecola Beach.

This was also taken from Ecola Beach.
I loved the tecture in this old snag on the trail.

This slightly foggy picture of Tillamook Head was also taken from Ecola Beach. It would be fun to paint this picture!
This was looking out from Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain again, only we were driving south this time.

This picture of the surf was taken with my telephoto lens while leaning over the viewpoint and looking straight down off Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain.
The ocean was calmer than I had ever seen it...almost like a lake! I loved how the fog blanketed the base of the mountains
and made it difficult to distinguish between the land and the sea.

The sun was low in the sky and made a lovely picture.