The guys (and gals) had a good hunt this year. Chris and Diane each got an elk. Bill didn't fill his tag this year, but he still had a good time. I decided to go with him the day after Thanksgiving because I haven't done that for several years. It was a beautiful day, and I loved being in the hills surrounding Tillamook.

One little road we hiked down was called "Root Ball Road." I think these guys gave it that name. Can you guess why?
Terry's white pick-up was at the top of the ridge where Diane got an elk earlier in the season.

While the guys visited on this landing, I decided to explore a nearby trail.

How blessed we are to live in such beautiful country!

There is beauty in even the smallest parts of nature.
My brothers and I (Terry, Chris, Becky)

Terry, Chris and Bill

What a view!

Afterward, we stayed long enough at my mom's to enjoy a dinner she and Candy prepared. It had been a while since I spent time with all of my siblings and my mom! It was great!
The hunting party had their traditional picture taken before we left for home.

This was kind of the funny part. As we left Tillamook, we saw the elk herd that likes to hang out near the Blimp Base (they are protected there).

There were several bulls!