It is not uncommon to see parents taking pictures of their children among the tulips.

One beauty after another...

This one looks like peppermint!

What do you think of this cow train? The kids sure loved it. The tractor driver drove into a grassy field next and made zig zags and circles, causing the children to squeal with glee.

What nostalgia...an old steam tractor

A visual delight...

Can you believe these fringed beauties?

The parrot tulips were my favorites. These are called "Apricot Parrots."

A honey bee was buzzing around inside of this tulip as if it were trapped.

There were many activities for children. This swing is made from one tire turned inside out and cut into shapes like a horse.
These children were enjoying the ducky races using old-fashioned water pumps.

I couldn't resist this little cutie.
These were the greatest swings I'd ever seen!

Each child was strapped into a harness and had their very own trampoline!
There were several booths with vendors which I enjoyed, and the gift shops were very enticing.
I sure enjoyed my day!