Even this Cormorant appears to be dancing for joy :-).
A stop at The Three Graces between Garibaldi and Rockaway is rewarded with wonderful water fowl. The Brown Pelicans have taken up residence amongst the cormorants and other sea birds.

Matt and Anne are taking a stroll with Tillie.

We never have enough wave pictures :-).

After a DELICIOUS roast dinner at my mom's, we headed home. We had to make a stop to catch the birds and sunset on the bay!

The bay was bathed in a wonderful light.

Oh, but wait! This was the most amazing experience of all! We passed Idaville on the straight stretch toward Tillamook. We saw splashes of white in the evergreen trees to our left, just above one of the sloughs that brings tidewater in from the bay. We went back and discovered over 20 egrets roosting in the evergreen trees! We had never seen anything like this before.

More egrets continued to fly in as we watched.

What a privilege to see such a sight!