We didn't even make it past the front door!
How can I pass a park without stopping to let Jesse play?

He thought that was a lot of fun! I wonder if he would like to walk around a neat Christmas tree farm that we like to go to?
"Oh boy, there's a dog following us around...

and he LOVES sticks!!!"
The stick went about 2 feet, but the dog didn't care!

"What are you waiting for? Pick it up, pick it up!"
All that action got us heated up. We both peeled off our coats.

Oh, now we're distracted by those lovely dandelion seeds!
"There's that dog again! Where's the stick?"

Ooooooooooooo...the anticipation!

Yep, it went about 2 feet.
"Do it again! Do it again!"

"Hey, it's fun just to beat the trees with this stick!"
"It's time to go, Jesse..."
"Uh uh!"

all the way back to the truck!

When we got home, he couldn't resist one more look at the pumpkins and gourds (notice, he has bare feet!)
He worked up a good appetite!

Now he's down for a nap, and that's why I'm postin'!