I made another visit to my cousin Dan Reber's in Sherwood, and he dug out his dusty old boxes of pictures and albums for us to go through. He inherited them from his mom, Topy Shaffer Reber, who inherited them from her mom, Lola Smith Shaffer. Some of them must have been Lola's mother's pictures (Margaret Clear Smith).
I cannot describe how thrilled I was to enjoy pictures I had never seen of my grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents, and even great great great grandparents! If you know anyone in your family with old pictures, make a visit and take your camera. There is nothing easier than taking digital pictures to share!
In the picture above my Great Aunt Grace Smith, is on the steps of the Cape Meares Light House near Tillamook, Oregon. She is my Grandfather Lester Smith's sister (taken in the very early 1900's).
This is my Great Aunt Lola Shaffer ( sister to Lester) and my Grandmother Pearl Smith (wife of Lester).

This is my Grandfather Lester Smith in his fishing boat with his brother in law Carl Shaffer (Lola's husband). Lester fished for a living in the Alsea River and Waldport Bay on the Oregon coast. Look at that catch!

This is Lester's mother, Margaret Clear Smith.

This is Margaret's father, John Harrison Clear. I photographed almost 200 pictures, and you can see why it was such a special day for me!!!