Our recent trip to Texas to pick up our daughter from her mission was a birders dream! I saw many birds I had never seen before. Texas is covered in wildlife and bird refuges! A few we visited were: the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park World Birding Center, the South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center, Port Aransas Birding Center on Mustang Island, and the Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge. We also went to Goose Neck State Park in St. Charles Bay.
This is a Green Jay. They are very colorful!

Great-tailed Grackle--these birds make a great variety of sounds!

Streak-backed Oriole

Great Kiskadee

Plain Chachalaca

Golden-fronted Woodpecker

Blue Bunting

Sometimes it was more fun taking pictures of the birders than it was the birds!

Yes, we were right in the middle of them!

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

I believe this is a Snowy Egret. We were driving from Brownsville to South Padre Island, and the wind was whipping!
Great Egret

The Birding Center on South Padre Island

Looking out over the wetlands from the tower

Kate and Bill

Clappper Rail

Little Blue Heron

Common Moorhen, female

Common Moorhen, male

Roseate Spoonbill, female

Tricolored Heron

Probably a Least or a Semipalmated Sandpiper

Many wonderful boardwalks and birding blinds

There is an alligator under this blind!

A Great Egret poses for us

Long-billed Curlew

Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs

Lesser Scaup

A Willet wading in the gulf

Brown Pelicans and Laughing Gulls


Loggerhead Shrike

Crested Caracara

Northern Cardinal

Scenery along the gulf

Gorgeous plants

Interesting pods

Redish Egret

We came upon a narrow waterway that ran under the road and we disturbed a large number of birds. These birds are the White Ibis.

These are some of my favorite pictures!

When they landed a ways from the road, we could see a large variety of birds all together.

Harris Hawk

Ladder-backed Woodpecker

One of our favorite areas was Paradise Pond in Port Aransas. Can you tell that I'm having a good time?

We saw this adult Black-crowned Night-Heron

Green-winged Teal and Blue-winged Teal

The pond was full of turtles!

Last but not least, we saw these three Whooping Cranes on Goose Neck Island in St. Charles Bay. Most of the Cranes had already migrated through, but these three were the only ones left that we knew of. We rushed to follow the directions we were given so that we could get back to Corpus Christi in time to catch our plane home! It was worth the rush!