Are these cute little fuzzy things, or what?
"We can't leave ANYTHING unexplored!"
"It's important to dig a few holes too (I've wondered where all the little holes came from!)."
"Jackpot! I found some birdseed!"
"What is that scary thing over there?"
"I better check it out..."
"Whoa...that's too scary!"
"Hey, I found something good over here!"
"I don't think this was such a great idea."
Meanwhile, the other two bandits continue to explore...
"Uh Oh! What's that lady doing here?!!!!!"
"Let's get outa here!"
Those fuzzy, fluffy baby raccoons are adorable. Thanks for the picture story.
Oh!!! They're SOOOO cute!! I wish I could have been there!!
Cute, yes. Pests, yes. Great photo op? YES!! A wonderful post, thanks for keeping that camaera handy!
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