Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Rockaway Ship Wreck

 The Emily G. Reed ran aground in 1908 at the mouth of Nehalem Bay, and a section of the ship must have drifted south to Rockaway. Every so often winter storms reveal these wood ribs, so we made a quick trip to the coast in order to see them! It is interesting to look up the history of this ship and to imagine the many ports and adventures associated with it. The ship was en route from Australia to Portland when it encountered a winter storm and instruments that were not working correctly. Eight men lost their lives, but the ship's captain and his wife made it to shore the next morning along with other crew members.
 Our daughter Kate and our granddaughter Pearl came with us.

 Close ups of the wreckage

 A view of Twin Rocks from the wreckage
 Bill and Pearl
 History lying in the sand!
 On the way home we saw a few elk herds.

It was an enjoyable day!

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