Sunday, January 22, 2017

England, Ireland & Wales Part 4

 After leaving Kilkenny we headed for the Wicklow Mountains. We drove through some beautiful country and enjoyed the scenery. This was a country home we passed.
 We passed a schoolyard with children at play.
 We saw this telephone booth out in the middle of nowhere.
 We crossed a stream stained a deep redish-brown with peat.

 Wicklow Mountains National Park looks rather barren, but it is quite beautiful. It is dominated by upland heath and blanket bog. While we were there the heath was finished blooming, so instead of lavender patches throughout the gap we saw russets and golds and pale green. 
 Stretching in the morning air...
 Beautiful streams
 Remnants of an old mine
 Glendalough has a lake nearby with a beautiful walking trail that attracts many hikers.
 There are a few early medieval monastic structures associated with St Kevin, a hermit priest. Here is another round tower which the monks used for protection.
 Common Chaffinch
 Walking Trail
 Church and tower
 Another round tower

 Rich colored streams

 Gorgeous fall collors
 blanket bog

 Layers of peat

Beautiful stonework

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