Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Our son Will and his family traveled from Utah to be with us this year for Thanksgiving.

His son Drew liked our stuffed animals.
Drew, Maggie, and Billy enjoyed some homemade clay.

We traveled to the coast to be with extended family for the holiday, and we rented this home in Bay City.
Our daughter Megan, her husband Andy, and their children Jesse and Charlotte stayed there as well.

My mom came up to say "hi" and to enjoy the grandchildren. This is Jesse and his Great Grandma Griffin.
Our daughter Anne and her husband Matt stayed at my mom's. This is early Thanksgiving morning, and they are dipping caramels in chocolate! I went down to Mom's early so I could get the turkey in the oven.

There were so many of us this year, that we decided to rent the Bay City Hall. Chris and Bev were kind enough to do that for all of us.
We all made contributions toward the decorations, and they were very pretty.

There was lots of good food!
Even the little ones enjoyed their meals (this is Peyton, my grand niece).

Some of us had difficulty choosing which dessert to try!
We had some fun crafts (notice, the adults are doing them too!)

... some fun games...
...a little music...

...and more of that fun homemade clay!
We even managed to gather for one big family picture. Notice all of the homemade turkey hats!!!

A few of us braved the cold and walked to the nearby park. This is my grandson Drew.
Candy was on the other end of the teeter totter :-). How do you like her hat?!

Billy decided that sliding down the skateboard ramp was pretty fun.
Maggie wasn't sure if she wanted to try it, but Ashlynn said, "You can do it!"

Maggie quickly got over her fear!

This scene was repeated many times. I'm surprised they didn't end up with holy pants!
Several others stayed at the hall to visit and to keep warm. This is my nephew Derek and his daughter Laynie.

After picking up the pieces and finding everyone's things, Jessica is ready to go home.
Families sure are great, and it is wonderful to have the opportunity to gather together!

1 comment:

Candy Jane said...

You sure captured the fun and joy we have together as an extended family! And thanks for the turkey hats, they are now part of our history, just like Bev's Christmas knit hats that year we all dug clams at midnight!