Wednesday, April 16, 2014

AZ, UT Vacation Part 1: Special Time With Friends and Family in AZ

Bill and I started our two week vacation in Arizona. We are in my sister's apartment with two of my grand nephews.
Jayden...happy guy!
Lee, Candy, and Jayden
Lee told us about one of the jobs he used to have. He explained that the vehicles below are called "roods" and they are used to harvest cotton. Lee did a variety of jobs, and one of them was making belts for the roods.

Rood machines for picking cotton
This is a well know hobo statue in Buckeye. It was erected in honor of a real person.
Never too old to play...Lee is a natural gymnast :-)
Jayden copies his brother.
Pretty talented guy
From our hotel room; much different terrain than I am used to; quite beautiful
My sister Candy loves her flowers!
Mesa Temple
Beautiful grounds!
The hummingbirds were very active!
Candy, Bill and I enjoyed our trip to the temple!

Preparations were being made for the Easter Pageant right next to the temple. I watched men unload many boxes of equipment.
Here are some of the lights used for the pageant.
Becky and Candy on the temple grounds
Candy and Bill
Another hummingbird!
Beautiful little mini garden
I love hollyhocks!

"Angels" rehearsing for the night of the pageant
Towers were erected to facilitate lighting
This donkey was used to carry "Christ" into Bethlehem. She was very sweet and cooperative :-).
Max is practicing his scene with other children.
My niece Carrie (in lavender) and her husband Brent practicing their crowd scene

The dance of the virgins
Candy with her good friend Kathy
Lee and Candy just before church
The Wright Family in their costumes (over their church clothes :-)
Max and Bill

Lee and Jayden ready to go to church
Brent and his sons
Carrie and Candy
Max and Bill
Max and Becky