Saturday, September 5, 2009

Canyon Creek

The trail down to the Canyon Creek campground and picnic area on the Little Northfork of the Santiam River reveals many of nature's wonders if we take the time to look. Bill and I went there this late afternoon with Megan and Jesse, Anne and Matt.

This used to be our favorite swimming hole when our children were little. Now we are introducing it to our grandchildren! It was too late and too cold to swim today, but it sure was beautiful!

There is so much art in our natural world!
Tilly headed right down to the water and promptly went in.

Bill helped out with Jesse. Jesse loves the out-of-doors!

When Bill whistled, Jesse gave it a try as well.
Megan tried her hand at skipping rocks...
and she gave Tilly treats for good behavior.

Jesse also wanted to give Tilly treats.
It was beginning to get late, so we headed up the trail (with a very wet dog!)

Can you tell that Jesse enjoyed himself?
He also had a good time in the car on the way home :-).

1 comment:

Candy Jane said...

You had me at the moss with the water droplets...WOW. The pics of Bill and J. bring back memories of Dennis with Stephen at that age, when we got to take him along on outings...precious times.