Friday, October 22, 2010

Canning Tuna

My brother Chris gave me a tuna to can, so I decided to show the process I went through.

Anyone who knows me knows that my knives are always DULL, so the first thing I had to do was sharpen one!

This is the tuna (obviously :-), and I wasn't completely sure how to fillet I went to youTube! Yay for YouTube cuz I found what I was looking for (Tuna Carking 102 with Nate Oliver).
By the way, I had lots of company for some reason...

This is what things looked like after I removed one fillet. Not too pretty, huh?

The fillets cleaned up nicely, though. There was also a little "stomach" meat.
I got my jars stuffed, cleaned off the tops, and

after one and a half hours in a pressure cooker I had beautiful jars of tuna!


Megan said...

It looks like it worked nicely over the sink. I am not sure if you cleaned up before taking the picture but it didn't look like it had as much blood as I was expecting! It must feel like an accomplishment! It would for me :)

creative side said...

I love that you home canned tuna, but more fun was the photos of the cats with their mouth's watering. If we use a can opener in our house (which isn't often) the cats come running thinking it just might be tuna. They get the juice divided evenly in two bowls.

Candy Jane said...

OK, I KNOW it wasn't that tidy!! But a very nice job of work, with lovely results - good job:) Carrie is jealous, she just had to buy tuna at the store - yuk.

Desert Rose blooming in Arizona, said...

Amazing how much better that tuna tastes than the canned! Ty & Karen just canned a tuna that Ty caught - I'm sure they wanted some more of the "good stuff" Candy & Dennis always had on hand!