Friday, October 16, 2009

A Boy, A Dog, and A Stick

Leaving the house to do an errand...coat, diaper bag, snacks....oh, I need my camera!

We didn't even make it past the front door!

How can I pass a park without stopping to let Jesse play?

He thought that was a lot of fun! I wonder if he would like to walk around a neat Christmas tree farm that we like to go to?

"Oh boy, there's a dog following us around...

and he LOVES sticks!!!"

The stick went about 2 feet, but the dog didn't care!

"What are you waiting for? Pick it up, pick it up!"

All that action got us heated up. We both peeled off our coats.

Oh, now we're distracted by those lovely dandelion seeds!

"There's that dog again! Where's the stick?"

Ooooooooooooo...the anticipation!

Yep, it went about 2 feet.

"Do it again! Do it again!"

"Hey, it's fun just to beat the trees with this stick!"

"It's time to go, Jesse..."
"Uh uh!"

His shoes caked up with mud, he fell over several times, he got me muddy, but it was worth the delight written all over his face...

all the way back to the truck!

When we got home, he couldn't resist one more look at the pumpkins and gourds (notice, he has bare feet!)

He worked up a good appetite!

Now he's down for a nap, and that's why I'm postin'!


Aimee B. said...

Great story accompanied by great pictures, like usual. I'm so looking forward to when Sam gets to that age, even though I'm fully enjoying him now at 10 months.

Kelsey Eickhoff said...

Oh these pictures of Jesse are too cute!! He is getting so big! I can't wait until Andy and Megan can come over here again. I especially loved the pics of Jesse with the gourds. Priceless pictures :)

Dad and Mom Mann said...

What a wonderful picture story with your adorable grandson, Jesse. Have you ever thought about making a storybook for him and having it bound as a gift? It would be such a treasure for him...but then you would have to do one for each of your grandchildren but with your photography ability and story telling too...You certainly could do it. So precious; I'm glad you shared!

Lisa said...

Man, I miss him so much! I can't believe how big he's getting.

Candy Jane said...

Yep, life is just a little bit if heaven when you have a grandpunk and a camera, all to yourself for an afternoon! Happy dogs are the bonus...
Fun story board - you can feel the joy -