Monday, October 3, 2011

My Day of Nurturing

I learned about a nearby dahlia field and decided to spend the afternoon taking pictures. I would usually prefer an overcast day, but the sun came out just before I arrived. It turned out fine after all because I had fun taking "side light" and "back Light" pictures.

The bees were in abundance. They were so intent upon their work that I think I could have reached out and touched them.

I encountered stunning colors!

Some flowers were "painted" in a variety of soft pastels.

Some were dynamic!

Usually I don't like a vibrant background because it can be distracting. However, I think it set this "weed" off beautifully! I love Queen Ann's Lace.

More of my little fuzzy friends :).

I liked how beautifully this little bee blended with its choice of flower.

I hope you enjoyed taking this "journey" with me. It was truly a nurturing experience!


Candy Jane said...

Ok, when is the calendar scheduled for production?? STUNNING, and you are so right about the light!!! I can't choose a favorite.

creative side said...

I was just ready to write that I can't pick a favorite (well a little bit I can), when I saw Candy's remark. It is eye candy for the soul. Enjoy the movie I told you about, "Sick, Fat and Almost Dead". I started juicing the next day.

Never, ever stop taking photos. You are fabulous. Enjoyed our talk.