Monday, October 3, 2011

Our Granddaughter Charlotte's First Birthday

We enjoyed the evening with our Granddaughter Charlotte as she celebrated her first birthday. Here she is with her dad, Andy, and her mother, Megan.

Our son Paul came with us (and this is what he gets for making faces when I take his picture!

Our daughter Anne and her husband Matt were also there.

Kristin came with us with her friend AJ.
Such a cutie girl!!!!

Charlotte's brother Jesse helped her open her presents.

They had fun playing together!

Papa gets a little hug while Charlotte fills her mouth with cookies :).

Happy one year old girl!
Awwwwwwww......Papa gets a kiss!

A wet and slobbery one!


Candy Jane said...

Papa & Charlotte snuggling - sooooo cute!!

creative side said...

What sweet photos. I love the ones with Papa. Megan is a beautiful mother.