Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekend in Paradise

 Today was Bill's birthday and we spent it in the most delightful way. Two of our friends have a cabin in the Detroit Wilderness area and they invited us to come stay. Their cabin is beautiful and it sits amongst vine maple, moss and old growth timber.
 We had a lovely evening with them and headed out the next morning for a hike to Marion Lake (Bill, Gala, Greg).

 Now this is going to look like a mushroom post because we saw so many varieties! I wish I knew which ones were edible because I would have brought them home and had a feast!

 This was my favorite one (above)!

Interesting spores

 My friend Gala
 Looking toward the top of an old growth timber
 More mushrooms!
 Becky and Bill

 Greg and Gala walking on the trail
 Moss on the trees
 Getting close to the first lake
 Anne Lake

 Bill said he was having a great birthday!
 More moss

I don't know what this was but it was really beautiful.

 We took a side trail to some beautiful falls that are not well known. Gala made me nervous as she stood on a rock at the top!

 You cannot really tell by this picture how far down it is, but it was creepy standing there!
 We headed down the hillside to get a better view of the falls.

 Mushrooms everywhere!
 Bill and Greg (this was a steep trail!)
 It was worth the effort! The falls were spectacular!
 We went farther down and saw the lower falls. It was a beautiful sight!

Another picture of the upper falls
 More fungus
 We continued on the trail toward Marion Falls.
 We all took a rest
 Yep, more mushrooms! This one was a beauty.
 A good old Oregon "banana slug"
 We followed the river and noticed a large log jam.
 We ate lunch sitting on this bridge (Gala and Greg).
 Looking toward Marion Lake
 Marion Lake
 The rain finally arrived!

 I continued to take pictures as we traveled around the lake.
 Becky, Gala, Greg
 Bill, Gala, Greg
 The lake was pretty clear.
There was a lot of vine maple on the trail. This will be amazing when it all turns color!
 Greg and Gala
 More vine maple with Marion Lake in the background
 More moss
 One last shot of the lake before we headed back down the trail to our car
 Greg and Gala's cabin
 Greg barbequed on the deck and we enjoyed these kabobs! The next day our kids came and celebrated Bill's birthday which was a lot of fun!
It truly was a weekend in paradise!

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