Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Pinewood Derby Lives On!

The Young Single Adults in our church group decided to have a pinewood derby for fun (even though it is usually a Cub Scout activity)! Kate and I decided to make a car together, so this is Katie working on the design.

I am doing some sanding and shaping.

Can you believe we needed all this stuff to paint our car? I painted the body purple...
and Katie did all of the creative work (she did some practice designs on paper)! Once it was painted we attached the wheels and added some weights...we made "exhaust pipes" from fishing lead :-)

Ta da!
What do you think of that?

This is a line-up of several cars. Some of them are upside down so the powdered graphite will not fall off of the axels!
This is a "must" if you want a fast car!

This is the fancy race track ($1,600 worth! We borrowed it from the scout office).
Bill released the cars each time. This is Cory making sure that his car is lined up JUST RIGHT!


This is the order of the races. Does this make sense to YOU?

Our car ("Flower Power") came in second and it also received the second most votes for the car that was best-liked.


Desert Rose blooming in Arizona, said...

Way to go!!!! Congratulations on creating such a great pinewood derby!

Dad and Mom Mann said...

What a great idea and so much fun. Congrats on your win and making such a beautiful car. I should let the singles ward know about your activity and maybe they will do it too.

Dad and Mom Mann said...

Hi Becky, My birthday is the 30th of December and my sister's (6 years my junior) is the 28th. My parents had a lot going on in December. Happy belated birthday to your daughter too.

Megan said...

I really like the last picture of katie- it is really good! It looks like it was a fun activity too!